Application For GTI Energy Services, LLC.
GTI Energy Services, LLC. is an Equal Employment Employer. All qualified applicants are considered for employment
without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, veteran status or disability.
Filling out the online applications is mandatory (printed and manually filled out applications will not be accepted).
Application For GTI Energy Services, LLC.
Application For GTI Energy Services, LLC.
Please enter "none" for any that do not apply.
Application For GTI Energy Services, LLC.
Employment History
Please enter "none" for any that do not apply.
Application For GTI Energy Services, LLC.
Give below the names of three persons not related to you, whom you have known for at least one year.
Resume or Supplemental Document
Please attach your resume or other relevant document in PDF format.
I understand that GTI Energy Services, LLC.may obtain a credit report in connection with my employment and/or my application for employment. I authorize GTI Energy Services, LLC. to obtain a credit report. I authorize GTI Energy Services, LLC. or its designees to investigate all statements contained in this application. I authorize and request any and all of my former employers (except as specified above) and any other person, firm, or corporation to furnish any and all information requested by GTI Energy Services, LLC. or its designees concerning my job performance, suitability for employment, job qualifications, and personal background, and I hereby release each such employer or other person, firm, or corporation from any and all liability by reason of furnishing the requested information about my job performance, job qualifications, and suitability for employment to any person who may request such information either during my employment or after my employment terminates, and I expressly release GTI Energy Services, LLC. from any liability for disclosing such information.
I understand that any misrepresentation or omission of fact contained in this application is cause for my rejection or immediate dismissal if I should become employed. I also understand and agree that, if I should become employed, my employment with GTI Energy Services, LLC. is for no definite time period and may be terminated at any time. Finally, I understand that the completion of this employment application does not indicate that there are positions available and does not obligate GTI Energy Services, LLC. to offer me a position if positions are available.
Application for Glenn Thurman, Inc.
Thank you for submitting your application! Please take some time to browse our website and learn more about Glenn Thurman, Inc., Thurman Transportation, Inc., and GTI Energy Services, LLC.